Founders Journey - Steven Nelemans, Luna
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Founders Journey - Steven Nelemans, Luna

Posted on
December 9, 2022

Steven Nelemans tells us about the story behind Luna. Luna is the world's first software application that uses AI to suggest new high-quality leads every day and send them the personal emails they deserve. It makes it easy for you to get more replies on your cold email.


  • The idea for luna came from within Amber, when the CEO was working with the company. 
  • The CEO decided to take a step back from Amber, and find a more experienced CEO to run the company. 
  • The CEO knew they wanted to do another startup, but not right away- they wanted to learn how investment worked and how to scale companies first. 
  • They got in touch with Jean Paul, who taught them about growth hacking and online marketing tactics. Together, they started Tactic- an online marketing agency.  
  • Through this process of learning and selling services, they realized the need for luna and began looking for a third co-founder (Robin). 
  • With all three founders on board with the same vision, they were able to bring Luna into fruition relatively quickly.

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Evolve Pipedrive Podcast - Luna

Evolve Pipedrive Podcast - Luna & Pipedrive demo

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